Harris Cider
UX / UI / Development / e-Commerce
About the client
Harris Cider is a premium cider that has earned a reputation for spreading both joy and sunny flavors wherever it is served. Ciders are delicious and produced with the highest quality standards using just the best apples and pears and of course 4,5% Alcohol. Yummy!!
Market: Vienna | Austria | EU
Partnership: Agency Brand Management (Austria)
The Job
To develop a responsive Website & e-Commerce to promote products, grow customer base and increase revenue.
My Role
UX & UI Designer / Frontend Developer
What I did
Responsive e-Commerce Design and Development according to user needs and business goals, through Lean UX and Agile Methods. The website was designed to have a day and night (dark mode) layout, and to verify the user’s age to allow only adults to access the website.
The Results
After the launch of the website, there was an increase in the number of sales to final consumers in more than 26% while increasing online presence and attract new business partners.